Care for our Crops

Care for our Crops

60 years of experience have taught us that treating the land with respect and growing crops with care and patience are the best way to get high quality, flavorful vegetables decade after decade. We begin with our soil which we continually refresh and replenish with alfalfa rotations, cattle manure and living mulches. Our crops are grown using Integrated Pest Management, biological controls and great care to avoid chemicals whenever possible. We are proud that in over 60 years we have never used chemical insecticides (nor genetically modified varieties) for our sweet corn. Much of our weed control is through mechanical and hand cultivation and all of our vegetables are harvested by hand. It has been our experience that the extra work and care we put into our crops results in the superior flavor and quality you find in our vegetables. Changing and improving over the years, we are dedicated to farming practices which will ensure fertile and productive farmland for the next five generations.


Field Crew 2011
Our Field Crew- Summer 2011
 Peponapis Bees in squash blossoms
Peponapis Bees in our squash blossoms
Potato Planting Lesson
Potato Planting Lesson
IPM Wasps in corn
Integrated Pest Management at work

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